Tuesday, February 26, 2013

20 Years Later: Bombing Of World Trade Center

Abdul Yasin remains at large
We [FBI..ed] later learned from Ramzi Yousef that his Trade Center plot was far more sinister. He wanted the bomb to topple one tower, with the collapsing debris knocking down the second. The attack turned out to be something of a deadly dress rehearsal for 9/11; with the help of Yousef’s uncle Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al Qaeda would later return to realize Yousef’s nightmarish vision.
Egypt's Morsi still wants the mastermind behind the bombing, the Blind Sheikh(aka Omar Abdel Rahman), released for humanitarian reasons. Screw that:

A noontime ceremony is planned to honor the six people who died in the 1993 blast in an underground garage below one of the twin towers. More than 1,000 people were injured. The attack was the first dramatic demonstration that "terrorism is theater and New York is the biggest stage," said Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly.

The ceremony was being held at the 9/11 memorial that honors more than 2,700 people who died in the 2001 terrorist attack at the World Trade Center. A moment of silence will be observed at 12:18 p.m., the time when a truck bomb was detonated below the north tower Six Islamic extremists were convicted of carrying out the bombing, including mastermind Ramzi Yousef. [More....]
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families in remembrance of their loved ones.

Gone but not forgotten
