Thursday, February 7, 2013

#Benghazi: Def Sec Panetta & Gen Dempsey Testify Before The Senate Armed Services Committee

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You can listen/watch here

WTF? Panetta wants to talk sequester. Umm, this hearing is about Benghazi, stop changing the subject.

Update: Panetta - "The US military is not, and should not, be a 911 service, capable of arriving on the scene in minutes around the world"

Update: Back to talking about sequester thanks to Sen Manchin (D).

Update: Sen Graham asked: Was any aircraft or any personnel sent to Benghazi during the attack? Any DOD asset sent at all? Gen. Dempsey: No.

Panetta and Dempsey said they spoke to Obama one time the night of Benghazi attack and that Obama never requested an update. Hence, no images of Obama in the 'war room'? Wow.

Via Sen Ayotte. (Who asked some excellent questions): "POTUS never asked what assets we had available to help on night of #Benghazi attack". "Shocking that POTUS never spoke with SECDEF or CJS again after learning our consulate was attacked to ask 'how's it going?'". "POTUS outsourced #Benghazi response". Amen to that, Sen Ayotte.[Uodate: video added of exchange]
The democrats on the committee only want to talk about the budget, sequestration. Pathetic.

Update: Sen Cruz focusing on "window when attack began". "What could have been done, what military options". Panetta: "Tough to respond to a hypothetical" "Can't bomb the hell out of the place without knowing what was going on". Cruz: "What is the absolute fastest for boots on the ground" Dempsey: "13 hours". "No AC-130's in Africa that night". Regarding meeting with Obama, Cruz: "How much of that meeting was about Benghazi" Panetta: 15 to 20 minutes".

[ Crossposted]

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