Tea Party Time.....
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Al Shabaab Command Structure Jubbaland Region,
Terror Free Somalia:
TFS, al shabaab designated somali alQaeda, click image for larger version:

Read what they have so far here.
Certainly will be looking forward to the complete list.
Crossposted at Jawa Report
jubaland region, composed of lower juba. Middle juba, Gedo provinces of Southwest Somalia.Terror Free Somalia is working on posting a complete list of the most dangerous jihadist in the Jubbaland region.
Terrorist Hassan Al-Turki is military leader in jubaland Al-Shabaab
TFS, al shabaab designated somali alQaeda, click image for larger version:

Read what they have so far here.
Certainly will be looking forward to the complete list.
Crossposted at Jawa Report
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Maine War Front
Big Hollywood, GI Film Festival 2009 selection lineup (The GI Film Festival is a 501 c 3 non-profit organization and the only film festival in the nation to honor men and women in uniform):
I definitely want to see this. Be sure to read the background on this film at above link.
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Far away from the war, in Portland, Maine there are people who think about the war every day. They get up every morning, not with the thought of having to pay their mortgages or the thought of far away adventures, but theirs is the thought of continued service to their country – to give back in some small measure.
Whether it is 3 am in the morning or 3 pm in the afternoon, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, these volunteers get up and go out to make a difference in the lives of our departing and returning soldiers.
They see the faces of those deploying to war and the faces of those returning from war every day. They count their numbers and pay their respects in smiles, handshakes and hugs. Who are these dedicated men and women? They are the volunteer troop greeters in Portland, Maine and the subject of an emotionally revealing documentary, The Way We Get By. More...
I definitely want to see this. Be sure to read the background on this film at above link.
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Operation Cast Lead, IAF & Sudan
If unnamed American officials are correct, a splodey thing happened on the way to transporting arms to Hamas through Sudan:
One thing bothers me though, why are we hearing about this now?
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As Israeli troops battled Palestinian gunmen during Operation Cast Lead in an attempt to end the threat posed against southern Israel, IAF warplanes were conducting a similar mission far from the border with the Gaza Strip, a CBS report revealed on Wednesday.It's not nice to mess with da Juice, 39 people and 17 trucks are history.
According to the report, unidentified American officials told the station that in January, Israeli planes bombed a convoy of trucks carrying arms destined for Hamas through Sudan.
"Israeli intelligence is said to have discovered that weapons were being trucked through Sudan, heading north toward Egypt, whereupon they would cross the Sinai Desert and be smuggled into Hamas-held territory in Gaza," the sources told CBS. "Israeli aircraft carried out the attack".
One thing bothers me though, why are we hearing about this now?
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British MEP Daniel Hannan Talks With Glenn Beck
Hannan doesn't mince words, sure as hell wish we had someone like him here.
h/t MsUnderestimated
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h/t MsUnderestimated
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Good News!!!: Federal Official Says Canadian Youths Recruited By As-Shabaab
I wonder how many other countries are involved in as Shabaab recruiting.
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A leader in Canada's Somalian community is dismissing reports of young people being recruited by an al-Qaeda-linkedVery disturbing news indeed, naturally Omar, the spokesman for the Toronto mosque, practices taqiyya (lie for the sake of Islam):militiaterrorists to fight in Somalia, despite evidence it is occurring in the United States and elsewhere.
Said Omar, a spokesman for Toronto's Khalid bin Walid mosque, which mainly serves the city's Somalian population, said he hasn't heard about any such recruitment efforts.
We are a peace-loving congregation, law-abiding citizens, who just want to live peacefully with our Canadian neighbours and friends," Omar said.[see below..ed]
However, a senior federal government official with knowledge of Canada's security services has told CBC News that Somali-Canadian young men have indeed joined the al-Shabab militia.[...]
The federal Canadian official — who would not agree to be named because he is not authorized to speak publicly — estimated al-Shabab recruiting may have involved as many as 30 Somali-Canadian youths.
The FBI and Britain's MI5 say similar numbers have left both the U.S. and the United Kingdom.
Mosque fights for rights, but slurs Jews and West.Stands to reason why Omar is denying this. Doesn't sound like a peace loving congregation to me.
A mosque asking that Canadian workplaces respect a strict Muslim dress code is at the same time disseminating slurs against Jews and Western societies, and warning members against social integration.
The Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque near Kipling Ave. and Rexdale Blvd. serves as the religious authority for eight Somali women complaining to the Canadian Human Rights Commission that UPS Canada Ltd. violated their religious rights at a sorting plant. The mosque, founded in 1990 and serving upwards of 10,000 people, preaches strict adherence to sharia, or Islamic law, and no compromise with the West.
Teachings on the mosque's website, khalidmosque.com, refer to non-Muslim Westerners as "wicked," "corrupt" and "our clear enemies."
Sometimes Jews are singled out.
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Today Is National Medal Of Honor Day

The United States Congress has designated March 25th of each year as NATIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR DAY, a day dedicated to Medal of Honor recipients. March 25th was selected as the date because it is the date of the first presentation of the award 156 years ago.
The recipients should serve as an inspiration to us all. They are/were the best of the best.
h/t Blackfive
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Cat Shit One or Apocalypse Meow
Damn weird trailer for this Japanese produced animated series called Cat Shit One. It was released in the US as Apocalypse Meow.
Fluffy bunnies vs terrorists.
h/t Ace
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Fluffy bunnies vs terrorists.
h/t Ace
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As Shabaab Kidnap Kenya Officials
Daily Nation
Possibly related:
Part I - A Mosque Under Fire
Part II - Relative of Missing Somalia Man Speaks
Crossposted at Jawa Report
A Somali militant group has kidnapped four Kenya government officers in North Eastern Province.As Shabaab tentacles are reaching further and further.
The Al-Shabaab abducted the officials on their way to attend the Provincial primary school ball games tournament in Mandera town.
Wajir South District Education Officer Mr Moses Mwangi, his Quality Assurance colleague Mr Charles Nyakundi, the Provincial Quality Assurance officer Mr Onchiri Onyancha, their driver, a Mr Abdullahi, and an unnamed Wajir South based education officer were abducted at about 10 am.
The vehicle they were travelling in was reportedly intercepted by heavily armed Al- Shabaabmilitiamenterrorists[...ed] who commandeered it into Somalia.
The Al-Shabaabmilitiamenterrorists[..ed], who have taken over control of vast parts of Somalia are accused of entering Kenyan territory and abducting aid workers in exchange for ransom.
Intelligence and security officials are concerned about the recent increased Al Shabaab activity in North Eastern Province.
Possibly related:
Part I - A Mosque Under Fire
Part II - Relative of Missing Somalia Man Speaks
Crossposted at Jawa Report
US Muslim Coalition Warn They Will Boycott FBI
Shame on the FBI for going undercover in mosques in search of radicals.
The Muslim groups are also upset that the Messiah promised better relations with Muslims saying - "he hasn't delivered on his promise".....yet
Afghan National Arrested in CA for Ties to al Qaeda [UPDATED & BUMPED: Brother-in-law of bin Laden Security Chief]
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The Muslim groups are also upset that the Messiah promised better relations with Muslims saying - "he hasn't delivered on his promise".....yet
(IsraelNN.com) A U.S. coalition of major Islamic organizations is threatening to stop cooperating with the FBI because of what it says is anti-Muslim bias by the federal arm and the “targeting” of American Muslims.Interesting tidbit buried at end of article:
In a statement, the American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections (AMT) cited in particular an incident in California, in which it says that “the FBI sent a convicted criminal to pose as an agent provocateur” in several mosques. A federal agent allegedly told one of the mosque-goers that the FBI would make his life a "living hell" if he did not agree to become an informant.
“Muslims are law-abiding and productive citizens who uphold the democratic principles of freedom, equality and justice,” AMT contended.[...]
AMT’s recent statement protested the 2007 designation of Muslim groups such as CAIR, the Islamic society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), as "unindicted co-conspirators" in the Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas, Texas.[...]
The FBI defended its decision to spy in mosques. “What matters to the FBI is preventing a massive attack,” said former counterterrorism chief Robert Blitzer. Mosques and other religious institutions are of particular concern, he added, because potential terrorists could consider them a safe place to plot attacks
In the case in question, the FBI's undercover work led to the arrest of 34-year-old Ahmadullah Niazi, a native of Afghanistan who has a brother-in-law working for Osama bin Laden.Just how naive do these groups think we are? Some of us don't have our head up our arses.
Niazi was recorded talking favorably about gathering weapons, blowing up buildings, and sending money to Afghan terrorists, and suggested that the FBI informant undergo terrorist training in Yemen or Pakistan, the FBI says. Muslim groups have suggested that the FBI arrested Niazi because he refused to become an informant.
Afghan National Arrested in CA for Ties to al Qaeda [UPDATED & BUMPED: Brother-in-law of bin Laden Security Chief]
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Somalians to As Shabaab: Leave Our Khat Alone

Apparently alQaeda linked as Shabaab has gone too far by banning the popular narcotic Khat.
MOGADISHU, Somalia — Hundreds of Somalis demonstrated against Islamist fighters Wednesday after they imposed a ban on a popular narcotic leaf in a southwestern town, witnesses said.
The protest is the latest setback for the group, whose leaders the U.S. State Department say have al-Qaida links.[Setback?.. hardly..ed]
One person was wounded during the protest in Baidoa, the country's former parliamentary seat, after the Islamist al-Shabab fighters fired in the air to disperse protesters, witness Abdirahman Abdullahi said.
Al-Shabab's head of security in Baidoa, Sheik Hassan Deerow, said several protesters had been jailed. Resident Mukhtar Adaw said more than 50 people had been detained, among them many women and children.
The protest began after the hardline al-Shabab militia banned qat, Baidoa resident Hassan Eden said.
Qat leaves produce a mild narcotic buzz when chewed and are a central part of traditional Somali social life. Many Somali women make a living selling the green leaves, and Somali men enjoy chewing them with friends.
Unfortunately, As Shabaab's will undoubtedly give harsh punishment to these people. Unlike the recent punishment they gave one of their own members for killing a UN aid worker - 100 female camels to be given to the victims family as compensation.
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Friday, March 20, 2009
Ryan Says ........ Think a little :-)
Better hurry back my blog sisters! I am not blogging on evil or the people that hate us; I am blogging on a solution with the help of a friend.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Traitor To Have Restrictions Eased

Oh what joy! We will now get to hear American born, bred and raised traitor John Walker Lindh get "to tell his story" now since the federal prison authorities are all set to ease the restrictions that had been imposed on him in 2002. Needless to say his lawyers are very pleased. Now little Johnnie will not only have the opportunity to tell his story but he will now enjoy the privilege of being able to meet, contact and converse with others that are not his family or his lawyers. His lawyer states that "I think that as time has gone by people have begun to realize, inside the government and to some extent outside the government, that John was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." No Mr. Brosnahan, little Johnnie was exactly where he wanted to be. I will always hold him partly responsible for the death of another Johnny. Johnny Micheal Spann true American hero, patriot, father, husband, and son. Mr. Lindh could have elected to talk to them and warn of the uprising but he did not.
Yes, Mr. Lidh, you did have the opportunity when Dave and Mike spoke with you. You did not.
Dave [to Spann]: The problem is, he’s got to decide if he wants to live or die and die here. We’re just going to leave him, and he’s going to f—cking sit in prison the rest of his f—cking short life. It’s his decision, man. We can only help the guys who want to talk to us. We can only get the Red Cross to help so many guys.
Spann [to Walker]: Do you know the people here you’re working with are terrorists and killed other Muslims? There were several hundred Muslims killed in the bombing in New York City. Is that what the Koran teaches? I don’t think so. Are you going to talk to us?
Walker does not respond
Thank you Mike. I will always remember your sacrifice. You knew in 2001 what this country is forgetting .... "these people want to kill you because you are American". Yes, indeed they do. Not only because we are American but because the people of our great country will not bow its head to Islam now or ever.
Godspeed Mike, Godspeed.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Roggio: LA Times Longs For ICU
"Well meaning ICU" my arse, LA Times you are pathetic.
Be sure to read it all.
Flashback from Jawa Report: American Traitor Leading Jihad in Somalia?

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Here we go again. According to the Los Angeles Times, the United States is responsible for the rise of religious extremism and the al Qaeda-linked Shabaab terror group. If we just hadn't targeted the well-meaning, though slightly radical, Islamic Courts Union, everything in Somalia would be just wonderful -- or so the Times would have you believe.
Sure, there would be a Taliban-like region in the Horn of Africa, but they'd have security. And certainly there would be no ties to al Qaeda!
Be sure to read it all.
Flashback from Jawa Report: American Traitor Leading Jihad in Somalia?

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Sudan: Aid Workers Abducted

KHARTOUM, Sudan — Armed men stormed an aid agency compound in Darfur and kidnapped three Westerners, heightening fears that foreigners will be targeted in the backlash over the international arrest warrant for Sudan's president.More, from the fold, from Sudan Tribune
The three workers for Doctors Without Borders were kidnapped late Wednesday in a government-controlled area in northern Darfur, close to a stronghold of government-allied Arab militiamen known as janjaweed.
The Sudanese government condemned the attack and denied any involvement. But officials quickly blamed the arrest warrant issued last week by the Netherlands-based International Criminal Court accusing President Omar al-Bashir of war crimes in Darfur[...]
The gunmen seized a Canadian nurse, an Italian doctor and a French coordinator, along with two Sudanese guards who were released several hours later, Sandars said. It was not clear if violence was used in the abduction.
Yesterday unidentified gunmen abducted five aid workers form Médecins Sans Frontières – Belgium (MSF), two Sudanese, a Belgian nurse, a Canadian doctor and French coordinator. The Sudanese are released early today with a demand of ransom for the release of the abducted foreigners[...]Dangerous situation there and will only worsen unfortunately.
However, the spokesperson of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) accused a militia led by Musa Hilal, of abducting the MSF workers. Hilal who is a leader of Darfurian Mahameed clan, is also accused of taking part in Darfur terror campaigns orchestrated by Khartoum.
Ahmed Hussein Adam said the kidnappers conducted the aid hostages to Gelay, north eastern of Kabkabiyya the headquarters of Musa Hilal militias.
From Brussels, MSF Belgium said today it plans to withdraw from Darfur. "This will be a further blow to the delivery of humanitarian assistance in that area, so the consequences are also extremely worrying for the civilians of Darfur," said Christopher Stokes, general director of MSF Belgium, in a press conference held today.
The abduction occurred two days after the establishment of an alliance of Sudanese Islamist jihadists and Darfur pro-government militia groups pledging to carry out 250 attacks against countries that are supporting the decisions of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Musa Hilal, who is an adviser for the ministry of federal government, is one of the members of this alliance as the head of the Darfur Lions Brigade.
The Darfur rebel movements condemned the kidnapping and said only the Sudanese government bears responsibility of the abduction.
The hostages are in my thoughts and prayers, lets hope they soon will be released unharmed.
h/t leapofaith
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Thursday, March 12, 2009
Report: Ayman Al-Zawahiri Seen In Somalia

According to Terror Free Somalia alQaeda number 2 has been seen in Somalia:
The second man of Al-Qaeda terror network Ayman Al-Zawahiri has been seen for the first time Habar Gidir stronghold Marka town 90km south of Somalia capital as quoted from officials of unnamed money transfer companies and aid agencies on Thursday.Remember what Rusty said, "Watch the Horn of Africa".
“Here in Marka, I have seen an Arab man who was heavily guarded as he was walking inside the town, with his sides we could see foreign armed men. I glimpsed him and he was Terrorist Ayman Al-Zawihiri, the man we often see on the world televisions,” one of the remittance companies said in condition of anonymity.He said all the movements in the town were halted as some of the senior officials of Al-Shabab group confirmed that the man they are hosting is Ayman Al-Zawahiri.
“I could not exactly say he was himself but most of out spoken issue was that the man seen is Al-Qaeda’s second man,” he added.“The presence of Ayman Al-Zawahiri in Marka is widely known, many people saw him but they fear for their security.
Rusty's $.02: It's a rumor, yes. Our friends over at Terror Free Somalia got the rumor from Waaga's Club here. I'll post the entire thing below, but it's in Somali. I can't find anything on Shabelle about it in English.
I have to say, I find it very difficult to believe Zawahiri is actually in Somalia.
Having said that, I've long speculated -- and this goes back years -- that Osama bin Laden is in Somalia. But, to be honest, I always knew that was a longshot. This? An even longer shot.
Zawahiri is much more involved in the day to day operations of al Qaeda than bin Laden -- or so intel reports indicate. I can't imagine he'd take the risk. But then again, maybe he believes his own press and the myth of invulnerability that has grown up around him?
But still, I've already seen Shabaab videos showing fighters who are clearly Arab. Intel sources also say that as long as three years ago al Qaeda fighters were known to help in the training of Islamist insurgents. Today that number is probably far greater.
Especially given last year's pledging of the top Shabaab leadership to Osama bin Laden and recent reports that Shabaab is likely to officially declare itself part of the al Qaeda umbrella. I would find it incredibly naive to think that at least some al Qaeda leaders weren't in Somalia. But the top leader? I dunno.
Jane tells me that there were also rumors floating around that Zawahiri was in Yemen. I expect she'll post an update on that.
Keep an eye on it, though. Sometimes these things turn out to be based on some grain of truth. And if Z-man does turn up in Somalia then all the better since our base in Djibouti is perfectly capable of launching Predator strikes in Somalia. With the added bonus that there's no recognized government around to file diplomatic protests about violations of sovereignty.
Here's the original Waaga article, which I believe is a transcript of a radio interview (could be wrong):
" Eyman al Dawahiri inuu Markka joogo dadka oo dhan way ogyihiin,waxaa arkay dad badan laakiin cabsida jirta waxay tahay qof walba wuxuu u baqanayaa naftiisa,Somalia waxay noqotay bahalo galeen laakiin ku xigeenka Ussama Bin laden ,ma qarsan bareerahiisa,isaga ayaa hore u sheegtay inuu ka taliyo koofurta Somalia"ayuu yiri Masuul ka mida hoowlwadeeno Hay'ad samafal oo ka howlgasha gobolka Shabeeladda hoose.Or is it this one:
Socdaalka ku xigeenka Ussama Bin Laden ku joogo Magaaladda Markka ee istiraatijiga dhinaca badda,waxaa la tilmaamay inay khuseeyso isku shaandheeyn lagu sameeynayo golaha sare ee kooxda Shabaab.
Inkastoo FBI-da Mareykanka ay soo saartay digniin ay uga hadleyso kooxda Shabaab ee Somalia qatarta ka imaan karta hadana in Eyman Dawahiri jooga Somalia waxay noqon kartaa sheeko culus,waloow ay dowladaha Caalamka ka qarsooneyn kooxaha Al Qaeda saameeynta ay ku leeyihiin Somalia.
" Hadii Somalia laga sheego Ussama Bin laden waa loo qaateen,runtii ma qarsoona halista baaxada weyn ee Somalia iyo inay noqotay bahalogaleen,waxaa muhiima in shacabka Soomaaliyeed u guntado sidii kooxaha qaswadayaasha looga sifeeyn lahaa dalka,way muuqataa hada inay dagaal kula jiraan dowladda cusub ee Shariif Sheekh Ahmed,taas macnaheedu wuxuu yahay in Eyman Al Dawahiri iyo kuwa la midkaa ku sii dhuumaaleeystaan Somalia" ayuu yiri diblomaasi reer Galbeeda oo la hadlay Waagacusub Media
Mogadishu 12 March 2009 Waagacusub Media
Ku xigeenka Madaxa Ururka AlQaeda Eyman Al Dawahiri ayaa markii ugu horeeysay lagu arkay Magaalo xeebeedka Markka ee gobolka Shabeeladda hoose sida ay sheegeen Masuuliyiin muhiima oo ka tirsan Hay'adaha samafalka,Shirkadaha Isgaarsiinta iyo Xawaaladaha.Halkaan ka dhageyso Warbixin FBI-da Mareykanka By Haaruun Macruuf
" Waxaa Markka yimid nin Caraba oo aad loo ilaalinayay,ninku mar uu dhex socday Magaaladda waxaa hareerahiisa gaaf wareegayay ilaalo xoogan oo dhamaantood u badan ajnabi,isheeyda ayaa mar ku dhacday,.hubaashii wuxuu ahaa Eyman Al Dawahiri,ninka aanu ka aragno telefishinada"ayuu yiri Masuul ka tirsan Shirkadaha Isgaarsiinta Markka.Halkaan ka dhageyso Shabaabka oo qaadacay go-aankii Xukumadda ku ansixisay ku dhaqanka shareecadda Islaamka
" Magaalada dhan ayaa la joojiyay dhaqdhaqaaqeeda.waxaana Saraakiisha sare ee Shabaab qaarkood noo sheegeen in ninka u martidaa uu yahay Eyman Al Dawahiri,anigu ma oran karo waa isaga laakiin runtii hadal heynta ugu badan Magaaladda waxay tahay inuu Markka joogo Al Dawahiri,ku xigeenka Ussama Bin Laden"ayuu yiri Sarkaal ka tirsan Shirkad Xawaaladeed ku taal Magaala xeebeedka Markka.
Related: Good News: Al Qaeda about to get its first state! [UPDATED]
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Amsterdam: Terrorist Attack Foiled
Six men and one woman have been arrested on suspicion of preparing to carry out terrorist attacks on shops in Amsterdam Zuidoost on Thursday.Thank goodness this was foiled, hope all connected will be apprehended.
One of those arrested is a family member of a man connected to the Madrid bombing five years ago this week, said Amsterdam police chief Bernard Welten at a press confernce on Thursday evening.
According to ANP news service the man is related to one of the suspects in the Madrid bombing who later committed suicide.[...]
He said all of those detained are Dutch with a Moroccan background and are aged between 19 and 64.
Although some of them have a police record for violence none has a previous conviction for terrorism, the police commissioner said. He added that further arrests cannot be ruled out.
Police were still searching four addresses in Amsterdam in connection with the investigation on Thursday night.
h/t leapofaith
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"One Law For All" Campaign Against Sharia Law In Britain

One Law for All Campaign, Britain's International Womens Day
Nearly 600 people joined the One Law for All anti-racist rally against Sharia and religious-based laws in Britain and elsewhere and in defence of citizenship and universal rights in Trafalgar Square and marched towards Red Lion Square in London.Link to videos of rally
Hundreds then joined our public meeting to discuss and debate Sharia, Sexual Apartheid and Women's Rights. Our protest was met with widespread support and left many feeling inspired and invigorated. It was also covered by the mainstream media, including BBC Radio 4, BBC 5Live, BBC Wales, and the Times.
The rally of several hundred heard a number of speakers denouncing the policy of accommodation and appeasement of the political Islamic movement. A C Grayling in his speech said: 'Once you start fragmenting society, once you start allowing different groups in society to apply different standards, you get very profound injustices and it is almost always women who suffer these injustices. We have to fight hard to keep one law for everybody.'
Parisa who was refused a divorce from a violent husband said: 'Ten years of my life is gone because of Sharia law. I want to stop it. Please help to stop it. It is not fair. I had a good uncle who helped me to escape but what about others who don't have a chance to run away. I saw that many, many times.'
Terry Sanderson, the president of the National Secular Society, said: 'We do not need another legal system running in parallel... Sharia is creeping into our legal system and society and we must stop it in its tracks and now!'
Fariborz Pooya, head of the Iranian Secular Society, said 'the introduction of Sharia is a betrayal of thousands of women and children and leaves them at the mercy of Islamist groups.'
After listening to a number of speeches, including from Sargul Ahmad, Jalil Jalili, Shiva Mahbobi, Reza Moradi, Maryam Namazie, Saeed Parto, Sohaila Sharifi and Bahram Soroush the crowd then marched through Strand and Kings Way to Red Lion Square with demands to end Sharia law in the UK and elsewhere. At Conway Hall, they heard live music from the group, Raised Voices, then joined a public meeting and heard a panel of distinguished speakers discuss Sharia Law, Sexual Apartheid and Women's Rights.
The meeting was chaired by Sohaila Sharifi (Central Council of Equal Rights Now - Organisation against Women's Discrimination in Iran). Speakers included Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (Journalist and British Muslims for Secular Democracy Chair), Naser Khader (Democratic Muslims Founder), Kenan Malik (Writer and Broadcaster); Yasaman Molazadeh (One Law for All Legal Coordinator); Maryam Namazie (Equal Rights Now - Organisation against Women's Discrimination in Iran, One Law for All and Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain Spokesperson), Pragna Patel (Southall Black Sisters and Women Against Fundamentalism founding member), Fariborz Pooya (Iranian Secular Society and Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain Chair), and Carla Revere (Lawyers' Secular Society Chair). Sargul Ahmad (International Campaign against Civil Law in Kurdistan Iraq head) also spoke about the situation in Iraq under Sharia and the need for international solidarity.
March 7 was One Law for All's first warning to the British government and the political Islamic movement. As Maryam Namazie said on the day: "We won't stand idly by whilst the British government relegates a huge segment of our society to sham courts and regressive rules and appeases the Islamists here or elsewhere. And we will bring the political Islamic movement to its knees in Britain in much the same way that people are doing in Iran and elsewhere."
She added: "We will keep growing in numbers and strength until we get rid of Sharia councils and religious tribunal's altogether."
Glad to see this gaining steam, congratulations to all of them for having the courage to stand up against Sharia.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Violent Intruders Attack Brooklyn Synagogues
Just your usual anti-Semitic Middle Eastener
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(IsraelNN.com) For the second time in less than a week, a packed Brooklyn, New York, synagogue has been the target of threats of violence by intruders.Our friend Joseph Cohen aka Jousef al-Khattab gets a mention in the article:
On Monday, according to Yeshiva World News, an Arab man in his mid-30s entered Boro Park's 'Sephardish Shul' and began making proclamations of jihad. Members of a Jewish volunteer security organization, the Shomrim, apprehended the threatening individual. They held him until police officers arrived at the scene, arresting the suspect. Detectives spoke with the "Middle Eastern man" at a station house near the synagogue.
The recent attacks come just over a month after Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn was targeted in a series of English-language jihadist videos posted on the Internet. The videos and accompanying texts singled out "770," but also intimated that all Orthodox Jewish organizations were equally worthy of attack by Muslims.Previous on Joey from Jawa Report - NYC Muslim Claims Praise of Dead Jews, Sounds of Gunshots Mixed With Pics of NY Chabad Headquarters Not Threat Against Chabad
The threatening material included images of the 770 synagogue and study house, pictures of the police van out front, and indications of which parts of the building are crowded at what times.
The source of the thinly-veiled threats, a group called Revolution Muslim, is domestic to the United States.
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Most White People Are Devils
Crazy arsed video.
Related: Markedmanner - Chicago TV Muslim Leaders Says America Will Become a Muslim Country
Related: Markedmanner - Chicago TV Muslim Leaders Says America Will Become a Muslim Country
Hope/Change!! Viva Fidel Castro, Down With Colombia
Apparently in the Omnibus bill contains a buried provision to ease U.S. economic sanctions on Cuba. What kind a message does this send to Colombia, who soldiers risked their lives to rescue American hostages held by terrorists.
Colombia has been promised free trade but it has never came to fruition. Obama voted against this when he was a Senator. Apparently he still feels this way, Cuba=good, Columbia=bad.
Gateway Pundit has the lowdown on this disgusting development.
Crossposted at Jawa Report
Colombia has been promised free trade but it has never came to fruition. Obama voted against this when he was a Senator. Apparently he still feels this way, Cuba=good, Columbia=bad.
Gateway Pundit has the lowdown on this disgusting development.
Crossposted at Jawa Report
Son Of Obama Intel Pick Wants To "Punch" Critics In The Face
It's the evil Juice fault.
Aaron Klein
In regards to Israel junior thinks there's nothing wrong with his fathers support for Hamas:
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Aaron Klein
[Chas]Freeman's son, also named Charles, penned a piece for the Washington Note website claiming a pro-Israel "cabal" was out to get his father. The younger Freeman is a China scholar who previously served as assistant U.S. trade representative for China affairs.Chas Freeman is the worst pick ever by Obama. He has gone from picking tax cheats to those who would harm our National Security.
"A cabal of ideological hardliners has orchestrated a remarkable, self-referential smear campaign against my Dad's appointment, dragging Congress and the political process into this non-political sphere. They are wrong to do it, and not just because my Dad is involved," wrote Freeman Jr.
"[My father's detractors] are low-lives. And if you're among them and by chance read this: I still want to punch you in the face. You'd deserve it, you schmucks," he wrote.
The younger Freeman claimed opposition to his father's appointment stems from "a small cabal of folks that believe first and foremost in the importance of allegiance to Israel as a core U.S. priority."
But the primary concern of some congressional critics is not Freeman's views on Israel. Rather, at issue is his documented ties to foreign governments, including service on the advisory board of a Chinese-government-owned oil company widely seen as conducting business deals meant to expand the communist nation's influence worldwide.
One of its recent attempts to purchase a large U.S. oil firm drew bipartisan congressional opposition amid fears the deal would harm American national security interests.
In regards to Israel junior thinks there's nothing wrong with his fathers support for Hamas:
Blogs and Israeli news media websites have been highlighting recent comments Freeman made that are perceived as heavily critical of Israel.Knowing how Hamas has distorted what happened during IDF's Operation Cast Lead, junior appears to be using the same tactic. What a schmuck he is.
He told the Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs in 2007 that Israeli policy is generating anti-American sentiment while the Jewish state "no longer even pretends to seek peace with the Palestinians; it strives instead to pacify them."
"American identification with Israeli policy has also become total. Those in the region and beyond it who detest Israeli behavior, which is to say almost everyone, now naturally extend their loathing to Americans," he claimed.
Freeman lauded Hamas as "is the only democratically-elected government in the Arab world and claimed the terrorist group "is showing that if we offer it nothing but unreasoning hostility and condemnation, it will only stiffen its position and seek allies among our enemies. In both cases, we forfeit our influence for no gain."
Crossposted at Jawa Report
Ireland: "Continuity" IRA Claims Murder Of Police Officer
Earlier, On Saturday, two British soldiers were murdered as they collected a pizza delivery outside Massereene barracks in Co Antrim. "Real" IRA claimed responsibility.
Apparently "Real" & "Continuity" IRA doesn't like British presence in Ireland. US and UK have designated both groups as terrorist organizations.
The Brits are infuriated over this, and rightly so, after Obama's snub of PM Gordon Brown. This comment earlier from the State Dept. didn't help matters :
Crossposted at Jawa Report
Apparently "Real" & "Continuity" IRA doesn't like British presence in Ireland. US and UK have designated both groups as terrorist organizations.
The Continuity IRA today claimed responsibility for shooting a police officer in the head last night, in a second outbreak of violence against security services in Northern Ireland.Interesting to note, Obama had invited ex-IRA chief Martin McGuinness for a lavish celebration on St Patrick's Day. This is comparable to inviting Bill Ayers to the White House to celebrate his "fugitive days".
The dissident group said in a coded message that the shooting in Craigavon was carried out by its north Armagh battalion. "As long as there is British involvement in Ireland, these attacks will continue," it said.
The latest victim was named as Constable Stephen Carroll, 48, a married man with a family from Banbridge in Co Down, who had more than 20 years' experience in the service.
The Brits are infuriated over this, and rightly so, after Obama's snub of PM Gordon Brown. This comment earlier from the State Dept. didn't help matters :
The real views of many in Obama administration were laid bare by a State Department official involved in planning the Brown visit, who reacted with fury when questioned by The Sunday Telegraph about why the event was so low-key.Thankfully, the planned visit has been put on hold. Not by Obama, instead by McGuiness.
The official dismissed any notion of the special relationship, saying: "There's nothing special about Britain. You're just the same as the other 190 countries in the world. You shouldn't expect special treatment."
Crossposted at Jawa Report
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
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