Thursday, March 20, 2008

Islamic "Phone Marriage" Rejected By British Judges

The family of an autisitc man arranged the phone marriage so as to be sure he would be taken care of after they die. I don't buy that but maybe I am just cynical when it comes to stuff like this. Pushing Sharia to void English law is down right Islamic. I'm glad the judges ruled this way. England needs more like them.

Three senior appeal judges have refused to recognise an “over the telephone” Muslim marriage between an autistic British man and a woman in Bangladesh — even though the union is valid according to sharia or Islamic law.

The 26-year-old man, domiciled in England and identified only as IC, does not function above the level of a three-year-old and is said to be highly suggestible and vulnerable.

His parents, originating from Bangladesh but resident in England for many years, arranged for him to be married by telephone link to a bride chosen by them in Bangladesh with a view to his new wife, referred to as NK, obtaining a visa and joining him in this country.

The marriage was valid under sharia and the law of Bangladesh and, according to Islamic law, had taken place in Bangladesh Lawyers for the parents argued that it should therefore be recognised in English law.

It looks like to me someone wanted a visa to enjoy the plentiful subsidies given to them in Britain. Also the satisfaction of knowing Islamic law over rode English law. Scheme didn't work. BWAHAHAH

Also at My Pet Jawa

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