Update by Stable Hand: via anonymous Zionist Pimp #5
LionessofJihad Mujahidahbonita assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarrakatuh... my dear jihadist brothers sisters,i'm going to be gone from fb for period of time. there are some KAFFIR bloggers is trying to get me arrested over the next view days and weeks most likely due to my cyber jihad and the arrested of my big sister FATIMA LAROSE. i got this... message from an american muslim brother,anyone needs me just get me on my yahoo.
Dear ehadi LionessofJihad Mujahidahbonita:
It's not nice to mess with the
Noting the delay of President Obama's trip to Indonesia in order establish his neo-commie heath care disappointed a lot of Indonesian Jihads on Facebook.
They were so hoping to plant an IED (Inshaallah).
And it looks like the JI supporters have done their research.
O don't read Indonesian but I'm pretty sure I get the meaning of this comment
Semu Kecil Kena IED mujahidin juga kelar nih.. (insha Allah)
And this one.
Shoot Him.... , Kick Him Out From Indonesia
Pesky right wing Mennonite tea baggers, always shouting Allahu AKbar.... er uh wait a minute....
More peaceful dialogue from the ROP.
Abu Askarillah I Like This... Must Kill Him
OK I can't say as I agree with President Obama on much, but don't be killing my President. It robs me of the pleasure of voting him out of office.
Stablehand: Another Obama in cross hairs:
Stable Hand: Another member of this group, Jihad Jane Facebook friend,
Lioness of Jihad blocked me because of a
friendly conversation How dare she, I was nice and all with the customary Islamic greeting
As-salaam alaykum. Mean person, besides she looks like a woman
of the eveningor day or afternoon, whatever turns her on:
LionessofJihad Mujahidahbonita my big sis fatima,some where out there. i see your jihad chanel is clossed on tagged. i wanna tell you that i missed you much. i am not going to tell you that i still go on jihad 'coz i know that you keep an eye on me. and you know that i never give up the J. you and me said,J UNTIL the last drop of our blood; big sis ...fatima,may allah keep you save from harm,give you help and grant you his bless.
You'll notice the
blank avatar here, that's when she blocked me.
I don't like to be blocked:
Oh, she has a jihad tube channel:
Now about the Revolution Muslim link, yes, Joey's old haunt
Revolution Muslim, The Indonesian Facebook ejahi are fans of
United Muslim Ummah, who post propaganda from terrorist organizations and link their articles to Ansar al Mujahideen and Revolution Muslim. Small world isn't it?
anonymous Zionist pimp #5
The group:
Known members/associates of the Indonesian JI cell who are members of revolution muslim facebook group:
Muhammad Yusuf ash-Shari `GOOD DEATH rampant Dulmatin ONE BUT IT FEELS WEIRD AL-Qaeda-trained GENERAL HAS JUST PISTOL revolver and the bullets still in the grip SI DULAMATIN ... THIS CASE APALAGI sticking OBAMA ARRIVAL IN CASE OF DA CENTURY ...
Wed at 4:22 pm
Habib El Murshid assalamu'alaikum .... ikhwan akhwat and the Muslims all .... what would you do if the DEVIL .......... BLACK OBAMA KREBO bener .... so a visit to Indonesia ..........
Wed at 11:08 pm
Dhe Irhaby
Ana will nyiapin bomb. .
Wed at 11:12 pm
on Mar 13
4) User: "LionessofJihad Mujahidahbonita"
User connected to Coleen LaRose. Images indicate she's working with or supporting JI.
"About Me:
i totally support global jihad al qaeda and thaliban,muslim has only 1
enemy,1 war,1 ummah.the CRUSSADERS/ DOUBLE STANDARD KUFFAR is invading
muslim lands, killing our ummah, and raping our sisters.now,what can
you do for protect /set free our lands,faith nor our ummah fromBRUTAL
KUFFAR'S HAND? theres only 1 way out,,,,JIHAD FII SABILILLAH....."
References to LaRose:
(googleish): Big sis FATIMA ... you seemed to lose losing half my soul,
every time I saw blue eyes the tears always flow. every word you say-been
pdku I always ulang2 in kepalaku.keinginan kt for bersama2 up arms in the
world of jihad, so I missed .. pdmu, while you know you are not a. .. org
sing to me, every x kt communication you always kecilmu.semoga brother
called me a clear vision kt
March 12 at 12:37 pm
(googleish): fatima (Colleen LArose) beloved sister on youtube jihad has
been caught in the United States. This brave Mujahidah finance jihad and
mujahideen recruits through the Internet. FATIMA nearly 3 taun yg then
embraced Islam, his debut on youtube jihad, and to myspace ... FATIMA
indicted terroris finance and using ... inteernet to recruit mujahideen,
fatima org mujahideen and their 6 arrested while planning the murder of
Swedish Cartoonists kartoon RASULULLAH.jika enacting all the charges
proved, fatima threatened life sentence and the $ 1M. SIS FATIMA ...
during this epidemic setenngah I menunggu2 khabarmu, the last time you
reach mid-taun 2009, you say miss me, and really loves me because of
Islam. You also wrote always watching me on the cyber jihad. FATIMA sis
... may god take care of the dirty Kaffir-hand. I also miss pdmu .... if
you read my writing ... and I'll follow your trail Hashim .. I miss day2
bersamau in jihad youtube .. do'aku always for you ...
March 10 at 11:46am · View Feedback (31)Hide Feedback (31)
March 10 at 8:57am
(googleish): GOD .... yes dear brother COLLEEN ROSE FATIMA caught in
amerika. protect him from the dirty Kaffir tangan2 yes GOD ...
March 10 at 8:48 pm
LionessofJihad Mujahidahbonita big sis FATIMA,.... by convert to
islam,they insults you by convert to islam they make fitna on you for the
sake of islam,you left your home land behind your black burqa,i see a
strong and brave sister in your blue eyes i see a Pairof a LIONESS's eye
big sis FATIMA.... my allah keep you awayfrom harm grant you his bles...s
and may we meet in JIHAD LAND someday like what we always said... that we
will be queens of jihad
See More
January 21 at 10:29pm
LionessofJihad Mujahidahbonita lol..sis ish13..i'm gonna take down that
fithy piglipino dog eater tonight. hope you doing good at school.i am
doing good too at martial art. preparing to be mujahidah,insya allah. be
with you and sis fatima in jihad land.
January 19 at 1:08am
Posted on a note about Colleen by one of the Indonesians:
LionessofJihad Mujahidahbonita
sis fatima,,,,you're still my BIG SISTER.,YOU ARE BRAVE LIKE ALWAYS.kathy
comes visit my channel along with her filthy christian groups...but i knew
that you got them scare like always. I LOVE YOU,FATIMA LAROSE...
LionessofJihad Mujahidahbonita my big sis fatima,some where out there. i see your jihad chanel is clossed on tagged. i wanna tell you that i missed you much. i am not going to tell you that i still go on jihad 'coz i know that you keep an eye on me. and you know that i never give up the J. you and me said,J UNTIL the last drop of our blood; big sis ...fatima,may allah keep you save from harm,give you help and grant you his bless.