Monday, April 14, 2008

Yes, Someday Persians(Update SaveDelara Site Back On Line)

It is difficult to fathom the evil that lurks in the hearts of the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran is a dark place right now. A place that executes children and women in the name of a religion called Islam. It was not always this way and I believe that someday Iranians .... the real Iranians will change this situation. has been suspended once again. Fortunately a benefactor came forward to defray the costs so Delara will have a chance.We anticipate that this site will be restored shortly. Delara is still in jail as of the last updated news in January, her situation has not changed.

The last news that was obtained stated that the Iranian authorities had removed her painting supplies and she has become far more depressed. It does no good for Iran to try and suppress information about Delara or the other seventy women and children that have been sentenced to death.

An attempt at suppression shows the world that Iran is fully aware that what they are doing is wrong. Please sign Delara's petition to help save her life.

Until services have been restored please see this link at MySpace.

To save other children from execution please see this link for
Thanks and have a great day!

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