"Better to fight for something than live for nothing"~George S Patton
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Boobs not Brains for Nor Laup!
Paul Bots are using their "boobs" to get you to vote for him. Personally, I wouldn't vote for a "booby with a blimp." Not now, not evah... Wonder how it felt to pull that off...hmmmm, maybe still on, you know how those Paulians are...teh Story and boobies "borrowed" from Tizona..:)
Ummm, those are some "bumpers".
Shame that the rest of the vehicle, look like a hip-po.
Oooppsss, time to take my chauvinist pig medication.
See you later, calm, cool and collected, or as the medication states...do not drive...no no, ummm, This medication may make you unusually drowsy...yea, that's it. Drowsy.
Tizona, you are funny! Now, about those Paulistinians --- they are just plain weird. Gah, yes, I would hate to pull that off --- I would need a drink of something strong before riiiippp!
Sure Spot, you can ummm --- lift it. I stole it from Good Lt. at mypetjawa. He amuses me no end and likes to torment the Paulistinians. Needless to say they always rise to the bait! Poor El Cid is missing body parts? We will give his boobs back later.:)Yeah, avoiding Mo is a good idear --- but it is amusing to aggravate them as well.
Super, YOU are a dirty minded hoe! :) I was talking about the term "Paulistinians". ROTFLMAO. I love this thread --- soooo funny --- makes me happy. No, I am not giving Good Lt's word back. It is mine --- all mine!
el Cid....thanks for clarifying...didn't have to tho...lol...by bird i take it you mean that Paulbot...lol Laughing has been good, turd hore really needed it...me too.
Crikey! See what happens when the bloody Aussies crash your party? LOL! Hey! Does that esky over there in the corner have beer in it for us?
Well, El Cid is technically a Seppo but we've granted him Honourary Citizenship. Even though he's @rseless from too much LMAO and now you ZH's have done gone and "borrowed" his boobies...
Hey, I love some of the comments you feature in your side panel. We're just new kids in the blogosphere; nobody hates us that much yet {sniff}
We have a guy named Grimmy, that goin over and fixin' them up...proper like. American English...drivin' on the correct side of the road and all that other shit, too.
Ash, El Cid, Spot, Come and visit anytime. We enjoy the company. I woulda like to have seen the comments you deleted Super --- sniff sniff.
I am puzzled as to why our jihadi friends don't like us --- I follow them around all the time. Wait! I am hearing a song! "Every Step You Take, Every move You Make I will Be Watching You".
I think they are wusses.
Ash, we just murder the King's good English all the time --- it is a compulsion.:)
I must say I was suprised this thread wasn't hit with Paul people. Guess they don't like to air their dirty "boobies". This is a kick. Man, she sure does have a lot of vein stuff going on there.
Ummm, those are some "bumpers".
Shame that the rest of the vehicle, look like a hip-po.
Oooppsss, time to take my chauvinist pig medication.
See you later, calm, cool and collected, or as the medication states...do not drive...no no, ummm, This medication may make you unusually drowsy...yea, that's it. Drowsy.
Those Paulians are a strange breed I would say....sure did like the post at your place...couldnt pass this one up...:)
Tizona, you are funny! Now, about those Paulistinians --- they are just plain weird. Gah, yes, I would hate to pull that off --- I would need a drink of something strong before riiiippp!
"Paulistinians." Gold. I'm pinchin' that one. LOL ;-)
Pinch eh...ewwwww, you will catch cooties....they are called paulbotties...
Heh. "pinched." Maybe I shouldn't ought to have used that phrase in this context.
"Story and boobies "borrowed" from Tizona..."
OMG. The ZH's "borrowed" El Cid's boobies????
Yup...so...:) Ya need em back?
Well, the other day he had a couple of "LMAO" episodes, so I was already a bit worried about him being @rseless... Now, with this...
Crikey, El Cid! You're losing bits of your anatomy at a shocking rate of knots!
Just don't go naming your teddy-bear Mo now, y'hear?
El Cid best be careful....ROFLMAO..
Teddy Bears for Mohammed or Mohammed for teddy bears..Teddy Bear named Mohammed...ok...I will.
Sure Spot, you can ummm --- lift it. I stole it from Good Lt. at mypetjawa. He amuses me no end and likes to torment the Paulistinians. Needless to say they always rise to the bait! Poor El Cid is missing body parts? We will give his boobs back later.:)Yeah, avoiding Mo is a good idear --- but it is amusing to aggravate them as well.
Turd hore, what in the hell are you talking about woman. What did you lift from Good Lt....ROFLMAO..or am I missing sumfun...
Super, YOU are a dirty minded hoe! :) I was talking about the term "Paulistinians". ROTFLMAO. I love this thread --- soooo funny --- makes me happy. No, I am not giving Good Lt's word back. It is mine --- all mine!
Ummm, just to clarify. The Cid, doesn't have "boobies", well not of his own and not the damn bird's, either.
ROFLMAO....I did miss something...I thought Paulistinians was well...boobies and pinch was well pinch...OMG...lol...cant stop laughing..
el Cid....thanks for clarifying...didn't have to tho...lol...by bird i take it you mean that Paulbot...lol Laughing has been good, turd hore really needed it...me too.
Crikey! See what happens when the bloody Aussies crash your party? LOL! Hey! Does that esky over there in the corner have beer in it for us?
Well, El Cid is technically a Seppo but we've granted him Honourary Citizenship. Even though he's @rseless from too much LMAO and now you ZH's have done gone and "borrowed" his boobies...
Hey, I love some of the comments you feature in your side panel. We're just new kids in the blogosphere; nobody hates us that much yet {sniff}
Spot...Enjoying language differences..lol..what is a esky?
Yes, it has a beer for ya whatever it is. Crikey I say?
For F^^# sakes, NOW I'm aresless. Can't win for losing.
Thats ok el Cid...I think their is underwear with fake pads in them...lol...OMG...sorry, couldnt pass that up..
You guys don't know what an esky is?
You're joking, you really don't know what an esky is?
When will you Americans start speaking English the way that God intended, ie, Australian English?!
Ash, A cooler...I googled..lol..
Australian English...saywhat...
This is an esky.
This is an Aussie esky.
(yeah, a cooler - short for "Eskimo")
Don't concern yourselves with the Aussies....;).
We have a guy named Grimmy, that goin over and fixin' them up...proper like. American English...drivin' on the correct side of the road and all that other shit, too.
Good idea. Driving on the wrong side of the road isn't cool...when the wrong side is the right side...
Grimey is quite a name...
We sekrit persons....our jihadi friends would want to know...
el Cid...nothing personal but had to delete some comments due to the fact that we like our necks to stay on our body...
No problem on the comments...necks always look better ON or part of ones body
Geeze, forgot whose comments but you will get the drift...
yes, i like my neck..
Ash, El Cid, Spot, Come and visit anytime. We enjoy the company. I woulda like to have seen the comments you deleted Super --- sniff sniff.
I am puzzled as to why our jihadi friends don't like us --- I follow them around all the time. Wait! I am hearing a song! "Every Step You Take, Every move You Make I will Be Watching You".
I think they are wusses.
Ash, we just murder the King's good English all the time --- it is a compulsion.:)
Super , dagnabbit the beer is cold. Who left the cooler .... er ... esky? open? Damn, we have learned a new word!!!!
KLH, they hate you cause you will not submit. It offends their delicate sensibilities.
I must say I was suprised this thread wasn't hit with Paul people. Guess they don't like to air their dirty "boobies". This is a kick. Man, she sure does have a lot of vein stuff going on there.
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