Monday, January 14, 2008

Chechyna Women...Cover Thyself

I was reading this article at Institue for War & Piece Reporting (I.W.P.R.) and it appears to me more and more Islamic laws are creeping further into some governments.
The President of Chechenya was strictly against the wahhabi form of islam, even other forms, but recently he apparently told the TV stations to teach Islam to combat the radicals forms being taught to youths, this sounds reasonable... (no Islam at all would be better, there would be no worries of radical teaching of it.)
If he apparently is against wahhabism why has he recently, at least that is how I read it, starting to crack down on what women can and can't wear? Students at Universities must follow a strict dress code, signs are outside of government buildings, womens heads must be covered, modest dressing, wedding dresses can't be revealing (they have stopped selling strapless at wedding shops), etc. His request to the TV stations makes no sense if he turns around and does this.
I believe he should spend more time worrying about the Chechnya rebels and alQaeda than what the women wear. Again, I am not "in the know" so to speak about Chechnya,(I do watch alot of jihadi propoganda and it sucks) just putting in my two cents for all its worth...wahhabism or just plain Islam makes no sense to me at all...I believe in Democracy especially human rights.
Story... Dress Code for Chechnya Women

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