Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bye Bye Hizbollah in Iraq

You be flushed!

from a hore? person I guess...
WooHoo for all who helped.......


Anonymous said...

Whoooo Hoooo!!!! My very favorite pawning song. "Thats The Way Uh Huh Uh Huh I Like It"! Buh-bye terrorist pond scum.

Third Zionist Whore said...

Dancing around the room with you. Uh Huh Uh Huh.

Sing it loud and proud!

Anonymous said...

My dear children have flushed much "pooh" lately.

I Like IT!

ZH#2 said...

Sweet victory and they get the agony of defeat...teh

Anonymous said...

Flush those turds down...way BTW, I let smackdown know about the youtube stuff...

Third Zionist Whore said...

Most excellent allahakchew!!!