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Samir Khan aka inshallahshaheed is a lover of the Global Islamic Media Front. He should take note about what is going on in Austria. The hores hope the same outcome for this couple is given to Sammy, the basement dweller.
From Fox News
Couple Linked to Al Qaeda Online Video Threat to Face Trial Soon in Austria
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
"VIENNA, Austria —
A young married couple suspected of links to Al Qaeda will go on trial soon on federal terrorism charges stemming from the March 2007 online posting of a video threatening Austria and Germany with attacks, prosecutors said Tuesday.
The pair — both Austrian citizens of Arab origin — were arrested in September in connection with the video, which threatened the two countries with terrorist strikes if they did not withdraw military personnel from Afghanistan.
Authorities said the husband later told police that potential targets included the Vienna-based Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, as well as U.N. agencies based in the Austrian capital, German government offices and prominent politicians in both countries.
They said the man, identified only as Egyptian-born Mohamed M., 22, mentioned the Austrian targets in Internet chat groups frequented by Islamic radicals. Prosecutors allege that his 20-year-old wife translated Arabic texts into German for the video.
Investigators say evidence suggests the video — which was posted on a German-language Web site and showed images of the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center — was produced by the Global Islamic Media Front, an al-Qaida propaganda group
You best be watching your back shaheed. You allready were probably watched going to porn sites by the Russian hackers.
Read the rest here
Akhi Revival, You may be MPJs Beotch but we are on point with them where you are concerned AND all of your little friends too. You can run my sweet but you can not hide.We know where you live akhi.
Hey, Inshallashaheed, this is my husband (the guy in the cupboard) Stomper P. Willow The Tom Cat ,III and he is just waiting to pounce. He hates traitors.
Stomper P. Willow....ok....you gettem....
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