Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Is This Survey for Real?!?

Survey - U.S a bigger threat than al-Qaeda
Irish Sun
Tuesday 8th January, 2008

"A survey of Pakistanis says the U.S military presence in the region is a far greater threat than Al Qaeda.
The survey showed that about 83 percent of Pakistanis viewed the U.S military presence in Afghanistan as a possible vital threat to their country's interests.
In comparison, only 62 percent said the terrorist group al-Qaeda constituted the same threat.
While the 62 percent group believed that Islamist militants and al-Qaeda did pose some threat to Pakistan, four out of five would not support giving American forces permission to enter Pakistan to fight al-Qaeda.
Generally, Pakistanis viewed the U.S poorly, with about two-thirds of the survey participants saying they would not trust the U.S to act responsibly in the world.
Only 27 percent feel that cooperation between Pakistan and the U.S had benefited Pakistan."

Okay, most live where? Who did they survey?... Who dared say the truth....inquiring minds like the hores wanna know dammit! Wait until it really starts to heat up...muslim killing fellow muslims and ask again...Iraqi's found out quick...
Read the rest


Third Zionist Whore said...

Sadly, I do believe that survey. The Pakis simply are not doing well and they have identified America as the threat and not the Moslems in their midst that want to kill them too. It is just sad.

Most of it can be traced back to the media they are allowed to watch. It is not balanced in any way.

Third Zionist Whore said...

and don't forget the mosques and madrassas

Anonymous said...

Yep...'fraid the survey is right on. Good in a way, as it takes the eyes of the Paki's off India..which could blow Pakistan all to hell, with their nukes.

AND if not those (nukes) overrun the bastards with their hordes.