From Yahoo News
"Five Iranian speedboats harassed three US navy ships as they transited the strategic Strait of Hormuz over the weekend, radioing a threat to blow them up, a Pentagon official said Monday."
"I'm coming at you and you will blow up in a couple of minutes," the official quoted the radio transmission as saying."
"Five Iranian speedboats pretty much swarmed three US warships as they were transiting through international waters," the Pentagon official said."
WTF?..Ummm Iran, don't mess with the big guns....you may get snuffed! Could this have something to do with President Bush's trip to the ME...Iran trying to show some muscle? Maybe, maybe not. I bet our guys were thinking to themselves....come on beotch's give us a reason...not to downplay the seriousness of this just thinking about how I would feel!
Be sure to read the ....rest....!
Update..Iran sez it was a "normal" thing they do and was not aggressive..OK...and pigs can fly too Mullah Asshat!
Not related..but in the sense of what goes on "behind" closed doors in Iran...A expelled journalist exposes....A very good read....may the Iranian people one day be rid of the terrorist loving Mullahs!...Ahmadinejad Exposed
1 comment:
They might fire on one of our ships but Iran's health (such as it is with their inflation, drug problems, etc.) can not be assured afterward. That would be a very big mistake on their part.
Mullahs need some good old fashioned lessons on manners of the sea. You hit a US vessel it is like attacking the country. No UN will save you at that point. The wrath of hell will descend on you.
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