Monday, January 7, 2008

WTF? Europe Wants US Voting Rights?!?!?!

Liberal Europeans Demand Right to Vote in U.S. Elections
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Thu, 2008-01-03 11:45
"A quote from the editorial in the Brussels newspaper De Standaard, 3 January 2008"

"American presidential elections are not “home affairs.” American decisions have repercussions all over the globe. The American mortgage crisis affects banks in Europe. The insatiable American demand for oil makes the Arabian sheiks rich. The American refusal to care for the environment causes the North Pole ice to melt and coastal areas in Asia to flood. A weakened dollar and an immense budget deficit affect the global economy."

I have one thing to say about this.....HELL NO YOU CAN'T VOTE.......

h/t LGF neat link thingy..Tizona, Sword of El Cid....JHW listed..


Third Zionist Whore said...

Uh, no. Why on earth would we let you F**k up our country like you have done to all of yours with that EU voting crap? They GAVE their countries away ---- we are fighting very hard to keep from giving OUR country up to socialists/communists so no you may not vote. Piss off Eurotrash. When you remember who and why you are give us a jingle --- even then you get NO vote.

Anonymous said...

I bet they would like a vote. They can't seem to understand that the average American does not go around singing "We Are The World" while thinking that a Benetton commercial is representative of equality among nations.

Europe, I beg you --- get off your knees and stop worshiping at the altar of "I hate America". This is so unbecoming. You were once so much better than this.

Anonymous said...

G'day. I think Aussies should get to vote in US Elections too! :-)

Thanks for teh link.

Third Zionist Whore said...

Hey, spot, nice to see you. We love Aussies. You could always say you are a Mexican National. NOW that might get you somewhere!! On a more sober note what is up with your new government critters --- do they hate America too?? Why did they let the Aussie Taliban guy out of jail?

ZH#2 said...

Spot the I would trust Aussies more..:)

Lets see, we could let Europe become a state of USA...but don't think they would want that...

You are welcome for the link....I saw that headline and have gotta be kidding

Anonymous said...

*He was let out, as he suffered so at the hands of the U.S. Government.

*(ummm, that's sarcasm, just to let your readers and commenters know)

I second my friend Spot in saying, thank you for the link.

ZH#2 said...

el cid....understood!
The bad old US meanie guys just can't help themselves in assuring bad guys stay locked up...em most of the time due to asshat lawyers and judges slipping through the cracks and messing things up on some of em.
You are also welcome for the link..i think i will fix to include who you are....

ZH#2 said...

There...fixed it...

Anonymous said...

el cid, Nice to see you. **** sigh *** I guess we should just kill them on the battlefield from now on. Nope, that was not sarcasm :)

Anonymous said...

Just added y'all to my Blogroll.

NO, that is NOT a pitch for you to add Tizona, just thought I'd let you know.

Third Zionist Whore said...

el cid, of course you will be added. I warn you some people do not like Zionist Hores. Will that be okay with you?

Third Zionist Whore said...

I went over and read your blog. It is very nice.

ZH#2 said...

Thank you el cid....reciprocated..i dink i speeled that rite...:)

Third Zionist just who are you speaking of....I don't have the faintest clue....:)

Third Zionist Whore said...

I can read what is in the right side of the column under fatwas and threats. :) Me no like them either.

ZH#2 said...

Oh them....just a slight partial list of our beotch's....

Third Zionist Whore said...

and we are such lovely people! See, no reason "why" they can't stand us.

Anonymous said...

I don't give two damns whether others like or do not like.

Mainly because my list of those 'types' would wallpaper a brand new set of Condo interiors.

Simply put, you nor I, force those people at gunpoint*, to click on anything....:).

*(well maybe in my younger

Third Zionist Whore said...

el cid, thanks. ROTFL.!!! I can think of a lot of things I would like to force them to do!! I was thinking of a tall building and .... Damn, that was a mean thought! But, I liked it:)

ZH#2 said...

Third Zionist Hore is the nice hore

Anonymous said...

And must I say, thank you.

Third Zionist Whore said...

Yessss, I am so sweet, gentle, and nice. LOL:)

I just have a long list of critters I do not like. Islamist, pacifists, Nazis, and all of their friends and tools.

Third Zionist Whore said...

Sorry el cid, I was daydreaming about torturing our enemies. You are very welcome.

Anonymous said...

G'day mates,

Third Zionist: We let the Aussie Taliban guy out of jail because we didn't have much choice. Personally, I think he should have received a lead injection, but life rarely works out how I want it.

The problem with him, David Hicks, is that he didn't receive a trial in the manner to which Australians are generally accustomed, ie, within at least 2 years, and so it was assumed by many that it was the US dragging their feet. It was not, it was Hicks trying to screw up the entire process.

The political pressures became so intense that the Australian Government had no option but to petition for his release into Australian custody, and so at that point, it was believed that the US Government formed the charge that Hicks was charged with, even though it was technically not a crime at the time it was committed, although it damn well should have been.

So, in short, Hicks didn't commit a crime other than providing material support to terrorism, but in a fair world he would have been charged with far more than he was, and bloody well convicted too.



Third Zionist Whore said...

Thanks Ash. I was wondering how that had worked out. Our little Taliban guy John Walker-Lynd (sp) will not be out for a very long time. Of course he was prosecuted and convicted here at home. We have treason laws as well. It was a damn shame that Mike Spann died when little Johnny could have spoken up.

I hope Mr. Hicks behaves himself now. I think I will second the idea of just killing them on the field. No muss and fuss after that. Just Buh-bye.

Good night all. It is my pumpkin time!

Anonymous said...


Hicks is such a nice guy that he was out of prison before New Years, but still hasn't seen the two children (now teenagers) that he abandoned, and has expressed a desire to make a profit from his experiences from writing a book.

He's an asshole, and you can throw him back in Gitmo whenever you like, but the sooner the better... in my humble opinion.

ZH#2 said...

Ash, wish we could thros him back in Gitmo. Writing a book eh, wonder if the monies made from the sale will go to financing further terrorism?